Era da un po' di tempo che girava voce che il famoso brand americano del lusso accessibile stesse cercando una location in centro a Roma e finalmente è arrivata la conferma. Dopo il monomarca di Euroma 2 e l'outlet di Castelromano, Michael Kors aprirà a breve in via Cola di Rienzo.
Lo spazio è molto bello con tre grandi vetrine su strada e c'è da attendersi che la tipologia del negozio sarà in linea con quelle già viste in giro per il mondo. Quindi, tanto bianco e metallo, atmosfera sfavillante e luminosissima (v. lo store da poco inaugurato a Milano in Corso Vittorio Emanuele).
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Lo Store di Milano |
Continua, quindi, l'upgrading della famosa arteria dello shopping di Prati che da strada dal branding tradizionale e, a volte, un pò datato, sta diventando sempre di più l'alternativa trendy al centro storico.
Rimane, ci ripetiamo, il problema atavico delle bancarelle degli ambulanti, che mal si concilia con questo tipo di sviluppo...
It was a bit 'of time it was rumored that the famous American brand of affordable luxury was looking for a location in the center of Rome and finally came the confirmation. After the flagship Euroma2 and the outlet of Castelromano, Michael Kors will open soon in Via Cola di Rienzo.
The space is very nice with three large windows on the street and is to be expected that the type of store will be in line with those seen around the world. So, white metal, sparkling and bright atmosphere (v. The store recently opened in Milan in Corso Vittorio Emanuele).
Continue, then, the upgrading of the famous shopping street of Prati that from the traditional branding and, at times, a bit dated, it is becoming more and more fashionable alternative to the old town.
It remains, we repeat, the problem atavistic stalls of street vendors, which is incompatible with this type of development ...
The space is very nice with three large windows on the street and is to be expected that the type of store will be in line with those seen around the world. So, white metal, sparkling and bright atmosphere (v. The store recently opened in Milan in Corso Vittorio Emanuele).
Continue, then, the upgrading of the famous shopping street of Prati that from the traditional branding and, at times, a bit dated, it is becoming more and more fashionable alternative to the old town.
It remains, we repeat, the problem atavistic stalls of street vendors, which is incompatible with this type of development ...
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